# Tooltip
lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pretium vitae est et dapibus. Aenean sit amet felis eu lorem fermentum aliquam sit amet sit amet eros.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pretium vitae est et dapibus. Aenean sit amet felis eu lorem fermentum aliquam sit amet sit amet eros. link
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pretium vitae est et dapibus. Aenean sit amet felis eu lorem fermentum aliquam sit amet sit amet eros. link
# Usage
# Basic
<button data-tooltip-id="tooltip1">
Tooltip anchor
<mdc-tooltip id="tooltip1">
lorem ipsum dolor
# Rich tooltip
<mdc-tooltip-wrapper #default="defaultProps">
Rich tooltip anchor
<mdc-tooltip id="tooltip2">
<mdc-tooltip-title>Lorem Ipsum</mdc-tooltip-title>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur
pretium vitae est et dapibus. Aenean sit amet felis eu lorem fermentum
aliquam sit amet sit amet eros.
# Rich tooltip with interactive content
<mdc-tooltip-wrapper #default="defaultProps">
Rich tooltip with interactive content anchor
<mdc-tooltip id="tooltip3">
<mdc-tooltip-title>Lorem Ipsum</mdc-tooltip-title>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur
pretium vitae est et dapibus. Aenean sit amet felis eu lorem fermentum
aliquam sit amet sit amet eros.
<mdc-tooltip-content-link to="google.com">
<template #root="rootProps">
# Persistent rich tooltip with interactive content anchor
<mdc-tooltip-wrapper #default="defaultProps">
Persistent rich tooltip with interactive content anchor
<mdc-tooltip-title>Lorem Ipsum</mdc-tooltip-title>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur
pretium vitae est et dapibus. Aenean sit amet felis eu lorem fermentum
aliquam sit amet sit amet eros.
<mdc-tooltip-content-link to="google.com">
<template #root="rootProps">
# mdc-tooltip
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
anchorBoundaryType | 0 | 1 | null | Set to 0 to specify the anchor element is bounded (element has an identifiable boundary such as a button), or to 1 to specify the anchor element is unbounded (element does not have a visually declared boundary such as a text link). |
id | string | `__mdc-tooltip-${number}` | |
persistent | boolean | false | Set to true to toggle the tooltip's visibility on clicks and enter/space bar keystrokes on the anchor element. |
xPosition | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | Specify how the tooltip should be aligned with the anchor element on the x-axis. Set to 0 for detected; 1 for start; 2 for center; and 3 for end. |
yPosition | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | Specify how the tooltip should be aligned with the anchor element on the y-axis. Set to 0 for detected; 1 for above; and 2 for below. |
# Slots
Name | Description |
default |
# mdc-tooltip-action
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tag | string | null | Set to 0 to specify the anchor element is bounded (element has an identifiable boundary such as a button), or to 1 to specify the anchor element is unbounded (element does not have a visually declared boundary such as a text link). |
to | string | null | If the tag prop is set to a , the to prop is used as the href attribute on the component's root element. Otherwise, the to prop is provided as a prop to the component's root element — this is useful for Vue components like <router-link> and <nuxt-link> . |
# Slots
Name | Description |
default | |
root | Scoped slot. Replaces root element. |
# root
scoped slot props:
* Key-value pairs of attribute names and their values to be bound to the
* tooltip anchor element.
attrs: {[key: string]: string},
* CSS classes to be bound to the element to be used as the component's root.
cssClass: {[key: string]: boolean}
# mdc-tooltip-content
# Slots
Name | Description |
default |
# mdc-tooltip-content-link
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tag | string | 'a' | The tag name of the component's root element. This could be the tag name of a Vue component or basic <a> element. |
to | string | null | If the tag prop is set to a , the to prop is used as the href attribute on the component's root element. Otherwise, the to prop is provided as a prop to the component's root element — this is useful for Vue components like <router-link> and <nuxt-link> . |
# Slots
Name | Description |
default |
# mdc-tooltip-rich-actions
# Slots
Name | Description |
default |
# mdc-tooltip-title
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tag | string | 'h2' | The tag name of the component's root element. |
# Slots
Name | Description |
default |
# mdc-tooltip-wrapper
# Slots
Name | Description |
default | Scoped slot |
# default
scoped slot props:
* Key-value pairs of attribute names and their values to be bound to the
* tooltip anchor element.
attrs: {[key: string]: string}