# Text Field

Material Components Web docs (opens new window)

Text fields allow users to enter text into a UI. They typically appear in forms and dialogs.

# Styles

@use "@material/floating-label/mdc-floating-label";
@use "@material/line-ripple/mdc-line-ripple";
@use "@material/notched-outline/mdc-notched-outline";
@use "@material/textfield";

@include textfield.core-styles;

# Usage

# Filled

Filled text fields have more visual emphasis than outlined text fields, making them stand out when surrounded by other content and components.

  label="Hint text"

# Outlined

Outlined text fields have less visual emphasis than filled text fields. When they appear in places like forms, where many text fields are placed together, their reduced emphasis helps simplify the layout.

  label="Hint text"

# mdc-text-field

# Props

Name Type Default Description
disabled boolean false
filled boolean false Set to true for the filled text field variant.
label string '' The text field's label.
outlined boolean false Set to true for the outlined text field variant.
requiredAsterisk boolean true
rules ((value: string) => boolean | string)[] false Set to true for the outlined select variant.
useNativeValidation boolean false
autocomplete string null The HTML autocomplete attribute. Read more (opens new window)
maxlength number null The HTML maxlength attribute. Read more (opens new window)
name string null Name of the element. For example, used to identify the fields in form submits.
placeholder string null The HTML placeholder attribute. Read more (opens new window)
readonly boolean false The HTML readonly attribute. Read more (opens new window)
required boolean false The HTML required attribute. Read more (opens new window)
size number null The HTML size attribute. Read more (opens new window)
spellcheck string null The HTML spellcheck attribute. Read more (opens new window)
type string null The HTML type attribute. Read more (opens new window)
value string null

# Events

| Name | Type | Description | | input | string | The value of the native input element. Fires when the value changes. |

# Style customization

# Sass mixins

To customize the colors of any part of the text-field, use the following mixins. We recommend you apply these mixins within CSS selectors like .foo-text-field:not(.mdc-text-field--focused) to select your unfocused text fields, and .foo-text-field.mdc-text-field--focused to select your focused text-fields. To change the invalid state of your text fields, apply these mixins with CSS selectors such as .foo-text-field.mdc-text-field--invalid.

NOTE: the mdc-line-ripple-color mixin should be applied from the not focused class foo-text-field:not(.mdc-text-field--focused)).

# Mixins for all text fields

Mixin Description
ink-color($color) Customizes the color of the text entered into an enabled text field.
placeholder-color($color) Customizes the color of the placeholder in an enabled text field.
disabled-ink-color($color) Customizes the color of the entered text in a disabled text field.
disabled-placeholder-color($color) Customizes the color of the placeholder in a disabled text field.
label-color($color) Customizes the text color of the label in an enabled text field.
disabled-label-color($color) Customizes the text color of the label in a disabled text field.
caret-color($color) Customizes the color of the cursor caret of the text field.
prefix-color($color) Customizes the color of the prefix text of an enabled text field.
disabled-prefix-color($color) Customizes the color of the prefix text of a disabled text field.
suffix-color($color) Customizes the color of the suffix text of an enabled text field.
disabled-suffix-color($color) Customizes the color of the suffix text of a disabled text field.
floating-label-float-transition($duration-ms, $timing-function) Customizes the duration and optional timing function for the floating label's "float" transition.

# Mixins for filled text field

Mixin Description
fill-color($color) Customizes the background color of the text field or textarea when enabled.
disabled-fill-color($color) Customizes the background color of the text field or textarea when disabled.
shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive) Sets rounded shape to boxed text field variant with given radius size. Set $rtl-reflexive to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false.
bottom-line-color($color) Customizes the text field bottom line color.
hover-bottom-line-color($color) Customizes the hover text field bottom line color.
disabled-bottom-line-color($color) Customizes the disabled text field bottom line color.
line-ripple-color($color) Customizes the color of the default line ripple of the text field.
density($density-scale) Sets density scale for default text field variant. Supported density scale values -4, -3, -2, -1, 0.
height($height) Sets height of default text field variant.

# Mixins for outlined text field

Mixin Description
focused-outline-color($color) Customizes the outline border color when the text field or textarea is focused.
hover-outline-color($color) Customizes the outline border color when the text field or textarea is hovered.
disabled-outline-color($color) Customizes the outline border color when the text field or textarea is disabled.
outline-color($color) Customizes the border color of the outlined text field or textarea.
outline-shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive) Sets rounded shape to outlined text field variant with given radius size. Set $rtl-reflexive to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false.
outlined-density($density-scale) Sets density scale for outlined text field (Excluding outlined text field with leading icon). Supported density scale values -4, -3, -2, -1, 0.
outlined-height($height) Sets height of outlined text field variant (Excluding outlined text field with leading icon).
outlined-with-leading-icon-density($density-scale) Sets density scale for outlined text field with leading icon. Supported density scale values -4, -3, -2, -1, 0.
outlined-with-leading-icon-height($height) Sets height of outlined text field with leading icon variant.