# Chips
Material Components Web docs (opens new window)
Chips are compact elements that allow users to enter information, select a choice, filter content, or trigger an action.
# Styles
@use "@material/chips/mdc-chips";
# Usage
# Basic
<mdc-chip>Chip One</mdc-chip>
<mdc-chip>Chip Two</mdc-chip>
<mdc-chip>Chip Three</mdc-chip>
<mdc-chip>Chip Four</mdc-chip>
# Leading and Trailing Icons
You can optionally add a leading icon (i.e. thumbnail) and/or a trailing "remove" icon to a chip.
# Leading icon
<mdc-chip leading-icon="event">
Add to calendar
# Trailing icon
<mdc-chip trailing-icon="event">
Add to calendar
# Choice Chips
Choice chips are a variant of chips which allow single selection from a set of options. To define a set of chips as choice chips, set the choice
prop to true
on the mdc-chip-set
<mdc-chip-set choice>
<mdc-chip selected>
Chip One
<mdc-chip>Chip Two</mdc-chip>
# Filter Chips
Filter chips are a variant of chips which allow multiple selection from a set of options. To define a set of chips as filter chips, set the filter
prop to true
on the mdc-chip-set
component. When a filter chip is selected, a checkmark appears as the leading icon. If the chip already has a leading icon, the checkmark replaces it.
<mdc-chip-set filter>
<mdc-chip>Filterable content</mdc-chip>
# Pre-selected
To display a pre-selected filter or choice chip, set the selected
prop to true
on the desired mdc-chip
<mdc-chip-set choice>
<mdc-chip selected>
Chip One
<mdc-chip>Chip Two</mdc-chip>
# mdc-chip
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | Automatically generated unique value. | The HTML id attribute. |
rippleDisabled | boolean | false | Disable the ripple |
leadingIcon | string | null | The chip's leading icon to be render. |
hiddenLeadingIcon | boolean | false | Set to true to hide the leading icon in a filter chip set when the chip is selected. |
trailingAction | boolean | true |
# Native Events
Name | event.detail | Description |
MDCChip:interaction | {chipId: string} | Indicates the chip was interacted with (via click/tap or Enter key) |
MDCChip:selection | {chipId: string, selected: boolean} | Indicates the chip's selection state has changed (for choice/filter chips) |
MDCChip:removal | {chipId: string, removedAnnouncement: string \| null} | |
MDCChip:trailingIconInteraction | {chipId: string} | Indicates the chip's trailing icon was interacted with (via click/tap or Enter key) |
MDCChip:navigation | {chipId: string, key: string, source: FocusSource} | Indicates a navigation event has occurred on a chip |
# mdc-chip-set
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
choice | boolean | false | Set to true for the choice chip set variant. |
filter | boolean | false | Set to true for the filter chip set variant. |
input | boolean | false | Set to true for the input chip set variant. |
value | boolean | number[] | Indexes of the selected chips within the chip set. |
# Slots
Name | Description |
default |
# Style customization
# Sass Mixins
Mixin | Description |
set-spacing($gap-size) | Customizes the amount of space between each chip in the set |
shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive) | Sets the rounded shape to chip with given radius size. Set $rtl-reflexive to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false. |
fill-color-accessible($color) | Customizes the background fill color for a chip, and updates the chip's ink, icon and ripple colors to meet accessibility standards |
fill-color($color) | Customizes the background fill color for a chip |
ink-color($color) | Customizes the text ink color for a chip, and updates the chip's ripple color to match |
selected-ink-color($color) | Customizes text ink and ripple color of a chip in the selected state |
outline($width, $style, $color) | Customizes the outline properties for a chip |
outline-width($width, $horizontal-padding) | Customizes the outline width for a chip. $horizontal-padding is only required in cases where horizontal-padding is also included with a custom value |
outline-style($style) | Customizes the outline style for a chip |
outline-color($color) | Customizes the outline color for a chip |
height($height) | Customizes the height for a chip |
horizontal-padding($padding) | Customizes the horizontal padding for a chip |
leading-icon-color($color, $opacity) | Customizes the color of a leading icon in a chip, optionally customizes opacity |
trailing-icon-color($color, $opacity, $hover-opacity, $focus-opacity) | Customizes the color of a trailing icon in a chip, optionally customizes regular/hover/focus opacities |
leading-icon-size($size) | Customizes the size of a leading icon in a chip |
trailing-icon-size($size) | Customizes the size of a trailing icon in a chip |
leading-icon-margin($left-margin, $right-margin) | Customizes the margin of a leading icon in a chip |
trailing-icon-margin($left-margin, $right-margin) | Customizes the margin of a trailing icon in a chip |
elevation-transition() | Adds a MDC elevation transition to the chip. This should be used instead of setting transition with mdc-elevation-transition-value() directly when a box shadow transition is desired for a chip |
density($density-scale) | Sets density scale for chip. Supported density scales are -2 , -1 and 0 (default). |
also sets the amount of space between a chip and the edge of the set it's contained in.