# Chips

Material Components Web docs (opens new window)

Chips are compact elements that allow users to enter information, select a choice, filter content, or trigger an action.

Chip One
Chip Two
Chip Three
Chip Four

# Styles

@use "@material/chips/mdc-chips";

# Usage

# Basic

  <mdc-chip>Chip One</mdc-chip>
  <mdc-chip>Chip Two</mdc-chip>
  <mdc-chip>Chip Three</mdc-chip>
  <mdc-chip>Chip Four</mdc-chip>

# Leading and Trailing Icons

You can optionally add a leading icon (i.e. thumbnail) and/or a trailing "remove" icon to a chip.

# Leading icon

<mdc-chip leading-icon="event">
  Add to calendar

# Trailing icon

<mdc-chip trailing-icon="event">
  Add to calendar

# Choice Chips

Choice chips are a variant of chips which allow single selection from a set of options. To define a set of chips as choice chips, set the choice prop to true on the mdc-chip-set component.

<mdc-chip-set choice>
  <mdc-chip selected>
    Chip One
  <mdc-chip>Chip Two</mdc-chip>

# Filter Chips

Filter chips are a variant of chips which allow multiple selection from a set of options. To define a set of chips as filter chips, set the filter prop to true on the mdc-chip-set component. When a filter chip is selected, a checkmark appears as the leading icon. If the chip already has a leading icon, the checkmark replaces it.

<mdc-chip-set filter>
  <mdc-chip>Filterable content</mdc-chip>

# Pre-selected

To display a pre-selected filter or choice chip, set the selected prop to true on the desired mdc-chip component.

<mdc-chip-set choice>
  <mdc-chip selected>
    Chip One
  <mdc-chip>Chip Two</mdc-chip>

# mdc-chip

# Props

Name Type Default Description
id string Automatically generated unique value. The HTML id attribute.
rippleDisabled boolean false Disable the ripple
leadingIcon string null The chip's leading icon to be render.
hiddenLeadingIcon boolean false Set to true to hide the leading icon in a filter chip set when the chip is selected.
trailingAction boolean true

# Native Events

Name event.detail Description
MDCChip:interaction {chipId: string} Indicates the chip was interacted with (via click/tap or Enter key)
MDCChip:selection {chipId: string, selected: boolean} Indicates the chip's selection state has changed (for choice/filter chips)
MDCChip:removal {chipId: string, removedAnnouncement: string \| null}
MDCChip:trailingIconInteraction {chipId: string} Indicates the chip's trailing icon was interacted with (via click/tap or Enter key)
MDCChip:navigation {chipId: string, key: string, source: FocusSource} Indicates a navigation event has occurred on a chip

# mdc-chip-set

# Props

Name Type Default Description
choice boolean false Set to true for the choice chip set variant.
filter boolean false Set to true for the filter chip set variant.
input boolean false Set to true for the input chip set variant.
value boolean number[] Indexes of the selected chips within the chip set.

# Slots

Name Description

# Style customization

# Sass Mixins

Mixin Description
set-spacing($gap-size) Customizes the amount of space between each chip in the set
shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive) Sets the rounded shape to chip with given radius size. Set $rtl-reflexive to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false.
fill-color-accessible($color) Customizes the background fill color for a chip, and updates the chip's ink, icon and ripple colors to meet accessibility standards
fill-color($color) Customizes the background fill color for a chip
ink-color($color) Customizes the text ink color for a chip, and updates the chip's ripple color to match
selected-ink-color($color) Customizes text ink and ripple color of a chip in the selected state
outline($width, $style, $color) Customizes the outline properties for a chip
outline-width($width, $horizontal-padding) Customizes the outline width for a chip. $horizontal-padding is only required in cases where horizontal-padding is also included with a custom value
outline-style($style) Customizes the outline style for a chip
outline-color($color) Customizes the outline color for a chip
height($height) Customizes the height for a chip
horizontal-padding($padding) Customizes the horizontal padding for a chip
leading-icon-color($color, $opacity) Customizes the color of a leading icon in a chip, optionally customizes opacity
trailing-icon-color($color, $opacity, $hover-opacity, $focus-opacity) Customizes the color of a trailing icon in a chip, optionally customizes regular/hover/focus opacities
leading-icon-size($size) Customizes the size of a leading icon in a chip
trailing-icon-size($size) Customizes the size of a trailing icon in a chip
leading-icon-margin($left-margin, $right-margin) Customizes the margin of a leading icon in a chip
trailing-icon-margin($left-margin, $right-margin) Customizes the margin of a trailing icon in a chip
elevation-transition() Adds a MDC elevation transition to the chip. This should be used instead of setting transition with mdc-elevation-transition-value() directly when a box shadow transition is desired for a chip
density($density-scale) Sets density scale for chip. Supported density scales are -2, -1 and 0 (default).

NOTE: mdc-chip-set-spacing also sets the amount of space between a chip and the edge of the set it's contained in.